2014 East Carolina Results

2014 East Carolina

Washington, NC - Febrary 8th-9th, 2014


Division A - Decorative Lifesize Floating

SubDivision Class Place Carver Name Species Description Competition
  Open 1 Mark Strucko   blue winged teal hen Division - Best In Show
  Open 2 Vic Kirkman   canvasback drake Division - Best In Show
  Open 3 Ben Heinemann   mergaser hen Division - Best In Show
A1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Mark Strucko   blue wing hen Sub-Division
A1 - Marsh Ducks Open 2 Fred Miller   woodduck drake Sub-Division
A2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Vic Kirkman   canvasback drake Sub-Division
A2 - Diving Ducks Open 2 Ben Heinemann   hooded merganser hen Sub-Division
A2 - Diving Ducks Open 3 Fred Miller   canvasback drake Sub-Division
A1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Mark Strucko BlueWing Teal hen Species
A1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Mark Strucko GreenWing Teal hen Species
A1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Fred Miller Wood Duck drake Species
A2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Vic Kirkman Canvasback drake Species
A2 - Diving Ducks Open 2 Fred Miller Canvasback drake Species
A2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Ben Heinemann Merganser hen red breasted Species
A2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Fred Miller Scaup drake Species
  Intermediate 1 Bill Peyton   canvasback hen Division - Best In Show
  Intermediate 2 John Nicholson   golden eye hen Division - Best In Show
  Intermediate 3 John Nicholson   woodduck drake Division - Best In Show
A1 - Marsh Ducks Intermediate 1 John Nicholson   woodduck drake Sub-Division
A1 - Marsh Ducks Intermediate 2 Warren Brown   gadwall drake Sub-Division
A1 - Marsh Ducks Intermediate 3 Tom Goddard   green winged teal drake Sub-Division
A2 - Diving Ducks Intermediate 1 Bill Peyton   canvas hen Sub-Division
A2 - Diving Ducks Intermediate 2 John Nicholson   golden eye hen Sub-Division
A3 - Geese & Confidence Intermediate 1 Karen Hattman   eider hen Sub-Division
A1 - Marsh Ducks Intermediate 1 Tom Goddard GreenWing Teal drake Species
A1 - Marsh Ducks Intermediate 1 Warren Brown Miscellaneous gadwall drake Species
A1 - Marsh Ducks Intermediate 1 John Nicholson Wood Duck drake Species
A1 - Marsh Ducks Intermediate 2 Tom Goddard Wood Duck drake Species
A2 - Diving Ducks Intermediate 1 Bill Peyton Canvasback hen Species
A2 - Diving Ducks Intermediate 1 John Nicholson Miscellaneous golden eye hen Species
A3 - Geese & Confidence Intermediate 1 Karen Hattman Miscellaneous eider hen Species
  Novice 1 Dennis Crumpler   woodduck drake Division - Best In Show
  Novice 2 Robert A Kelley   merganser drake Division - Best In Show
  Novice 3 Alan Massengill   bufflehead drake Division - Best In Show
A1 - Marsh Ducks Novice 1 Dennis Crumpler   drake Sub-Division
A1 - Marsh Ducks Novice 2 Bill Burton   drake Sub-Division
A1 - Marsh Ducks Novice 3 Alan Massengill   drake Sub-Division
A2 - Diving Ducks Novice 1 Robert A Kelley   merganser drake Sub-Division
A2 - Diving Ducks Novice 2 Alan Massengill   bufflehead drake Sub-Division
A2 - Diving Ducks Novice 3 James R Levitt   tufted drake Sub-Division
A1 - Marsh Ducks Novice 1 Bill Burton BlueWing Teal blue wing teal Species
A1 - Marsh Ducks Novice 1 Alan Massengill GreenWing Teal drake Species
A1 - Marsh Ducks Novice 1 Dennis Crumpler Wood Duck drake Species
A2 - Diving Ducks Novice 1 Alan Massengill Bufflehead drake Species
A2 - Diving Ducks Novice 2 James Cashion Bufflehead drake Species
A2 - Diving Ducks Novice 1 Robert A Kelley Merganser drake Species
A2 - Diving Ducks Novice 1 James R Levitt Miscellaneous tufted drake Species
A2 - Diving Ducks Novice 1 Dwight Stephens Scaup drake Species

Division B - Decorative Lifesize NonFloating

SubDivision Class Place Carver Name Species Description Competition
  Open 1 Al Jordan   owl Division - Best In Show
  Open 2 Al Jordan   owl Division - Best In Show
  Open 3 Al Jordan   lilac breasted Division - Best In Show
Birds of Prey Open 1 Al Jordan   long eared owl Sub-Division
Birds of Prey Open 2 Al Jordan   screech owl Sub-Division
Birds of Prey Open 3 Dick Mccarty   sawwhet Sub-Division
Song Birds Open 1 Al Jordan   lilac breasted Sub-Division
Song Birds Open 2 Al Jordan   northern oriole Sub-Division
Song Birds Open 3 Jerry Barkley   cardinal Sub-Division
  Intermediate 1 Karen Hess   sparrow Division - Best In Show
  Intermediate 2 Warren Brown   great horned owl Division - Best In Show
  Intermediate 3 John Wood   kestrel Division - Best In Show
Birds of Prey Intermediate 1 Warren Brown   great horned owl Sub-Division
Birds of Prey Intermediate 2 John Wood   kestrel Sub-Division
Song Birds Intermediate 1 Karen Hess   sparrow Sub-Division
Song Birds Intermediate 2 Paul Varga   chickadee Sub-Division
Song Birds Intermediate 3 Walter Strange   wren Sub-Division
  Novice 1 John Hodge   cardinal Division - Best In Show
  Novice 2 James Cashion   gallinule Division - Best In Show
  Novice 3 Robert Scarborough   yellowlegs Division - Best In Show
Miscellaneous Novice 1 James Cashion   gallinule Sub-Division
Miscellaneous Novice 2 Robert Scarborough   sandpiper Sub-Division
Shorebirds Novice 1 Robert Scarborough   yellowlegs Sub-Division
Song Birds Novice 1 John Hodge   cardinal Sub-Division
Waterfowl Novice 1 James Cashion   canvasback Sub-Division
Waterfowl Novice 2 James Cashion   greenwing teal Sub-Division
Waterfowl Novice 3 Josh Creel   mallard drake Sub-Division

Division C - Decorative Miniature

SubDivision Class Place Carver Name Species Description Competition
  Open 1 Al Jordan   owl Division - Best In Show
  Open 2 Al Jordan   eagle Division - Best In Show
  Open 3 Dick Mccarty   blue jay Division - Best In Show
Birds of Prey Open 1 Al Jordan   barred owl Sub-Division
Birds of Prey Open 2 Al Jordan   osprey Sub-Division
Birds of Prey Open 3 Dick Mccarty   kestrel Sub-Division
Gamebirds Open 1 John Elliott   turkey Sub-Division
Shorebirds Open 1 John Elliott   great blue heron Sub-Division
Song Birds Open 1 Dick Mccarty   blue jay Sub-Division
  Intermediate 1 Gary Calabrese   bluebird Division - Best In Show
  Intermediate 2 Gary Calabrese   dunlin Division - Best In Show
  Intermediate 3 John Wood   pelican Division - Best In Show
Miscellaneous Intermediate 1 John Wood   pelican Sub-Division
Shorebirds Intermediate 1 Gary Calabrese   dunlins Sub-Division
Song Birds Intermediate 1 Gary Calabrese   eastern bluebird Sub-Division
Waterfowl Intermediate 1 Cliff Cherry   ruddy duck Sub-Division
  Novice 1 Robert Scarborough   swan Division - Best In Show
  Novice 2 Robert Scarborough   bald eagle Division - Best In Show
Birds of Prey Novice 1 Robert Scarborough   bald eagle Sub-Division
Waterfowl Novice 1 Robert Scarborough   swan Sub-Division

Division D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style)

SubDivision Class Place Carver Name Species Description Competition
  Open 1 Walter Gaskill   scaup hen Division - Best In Show
  Open 2 Walter Gaskill   brant Division - Best In Show
  Open 3 Walter Gaskill   bluewing drak Division - Best In Show
D3 - Geese & Confidence Open 1 Walter Gaskill   brant Sub-Division
D3 - Geese & Confidence Open 2 Ivie Elliott   coot Sub-Division
D3 - Geese & Confidence Open 3 Ivie Elliott   ross goose Sub-Division
D2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Walter Gaskill   scaup hen Sub-Division
D2 - Diving Ducks Open 2 Ivie Elliott   ringneck drake Sub-Division
D2 - Diving Ducks Open 3 Jerry Barkley   redhead drake Sub-Division
D1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Monty Willis Black Duck drake Species
D1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Walter Gaskill BlueWing Teal Species
D1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Monty Willis CinamonTeal drake Species
D1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Bob Nelson Gadwall drake Species
D1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Mark Strucko GreenWing Teal drake Species
D1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Walter Gaskill Mallard drake Species
D1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Dick Mccarty Pintail drake Species
D1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Ben Heinemann Wood Duck drake Species
D2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Ivie Elliott Bufflehead drake Species
D2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Monty Willis Hooded Merganser drake Species
D2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Jerry Barkley Redhead drake Species
D2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Ivie Elliott RingNeck drake Species
D2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Walter Gaskill Scaup hen Species
D2 - Diving Ducks Open 2 Ivie Elliott Scaup hen Species
D3 - Geese & Confidence Open 1 Walter Gaskill Brant drake Species
D3 - Geese & Confidence Open 1 Ivie Elliott Coot Species
D3 - Geese & Confidence Open 1 Ivie Elliott Miscellaneous ross goose Species
  Intermediate/Novice 1 Marc Gottlieb   golden eye Division - Best In Show
  Intermediate/Novice 2 Alan Massengill   fulvious Division - Best In Show
  Intermediate/Novice 3 Marc Gottlieb   scaup Division - Best In Show
D1 - Marsh Ducks Intermediate/Novice 1 Alan Massengill   fulvous Sub-Division
D1 - Marsh Ducks Intermediate/Novice 2 Robin Oliver   mallard hen Sub-Division
D1 - Marsh Ducks Intermediate/Novice 3 Robert Anderson   wigeon drake Sub-Division
D2 - Diving Ducks Intermediate/Novice 1 Marc Gottlieb   golden eye drake Sub-Division
D2 - Diving Ducks Intermediate/Novice 2 Marc Gottlieb   scaup drake Sub-Division
D2 - Diving Ducks Intermediate/Novice 3 Robin Oliver   bufflehead drake Sub-Division
D4 - Sea Ducks Intermediate/Novice 1 Mike Hicks   redbreast hen Sub-Division
D4 - Sea Ducks Intermediate/Novice 2 Russell Fish   redbreast hen Sub-Division
D1 - Marsh Ducks Intermediate/Novice 1 Robin Oliver Mallard hen Species
D1 - Marsh Ducks Intermediate/Novice 1 Alan Massengill Miscellaneous fulvous whistling tree duck Species
D1 - Marsh Ducks Intermediate/Novice 1 Robert Anderson Pintail drake Species
D1 - Marsh Ducks Intermediate/Novice 1 Robert Anderson Widgeon drake Species
D2 - Diving Ducks Intermediate/Novice 1 Marc Gottlieb Canvasback drake Species
D2 - Diving Ducks Intermediate/Novice 2 Robin Oliver Canvasback drake Species
D2 - Diving Ducks Intermediate/Novice 3 Robert Anderson Canvasback hen Species
D2 - Diving Ducks Intermediate/Novice 4 Jason Daniels Canvasback drake Species
D2 - Diving Ducks Intermediate/Novice 1 Marc Gottlieb Goldeneye Species
D2 - Diving Ducks Intermediate/Novice 1 Marc Gottlieb Scaup drake Species

Division E - Traditional Gunning Decoys

SubDivision Class Place Carver Name Species Description Competition
  Open 1 Walter Gaskill   shovler drake Division - Best In Show
  Open 2 Walter Gaskill   harlequin drake Division - Best In Show
  Open 3 Walter Gaskill   scaup drake Division - Best In Show
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Walter Gaskill   shoveler drake Sub-Division
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 2 Andy White   green wing teal hen Sub-Division
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 3 Andy Pope   wood duck hen Sub-Division
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Walter Gaskill   scaup drake Sub-Division
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 2 Russell Owen   ringneck drake Sub-Division
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 3 Steven Cogar   ringneck hen Sub-Division
E3 - Geese & Confidence Open 1 Gary Doviak   brant Sub-Division
E3 - Geese & Confidence Open 2 Walter Gaskill   horned grebe Sub-Division
E3 - Geese & Confidence Open 3 Steven Cogar   pied billed grebe Sub-Division
E4 - Sea Ducks Open 1 Walter Gaskill   harlequin drake Sub-Division
E4 - Sea Ducks Open 2 Andy Pope   scoter drake Sub-Division
E4 - Sea Ducks Open 3 Andy Pope   scoter hen Sub-Division
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Gary Doviak Black Duck drake Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 2 Robin Oliver Black Duck drake Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 3 Stewart Barnette Black Duck drake Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Andy Pope BlueWing Teal Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Gary Doviak Gadwall drake Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 2 Patrick Bearden Gadwall drake Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Andy White GreenWing Teal hen Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 2 Andy White GreenWing Teal drake Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 3 Ben Heinemann GreenWing Teal drake Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 4 Steven Cogar GreenWing Teal drake Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Robin Oliver Mallard hen Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 2 Gary Doviak Mallard drake Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 3 Robin Oliver Mallard drake Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 4 Russell Fish Mallard drake Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Gary Doviak Pintail drake Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 2 Robin Oliver Pintail drake Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 3 Jeff Gottorff Pintail hen Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 4 Michael Adcock Pintail drake Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Walter Gaskill Shoveler drake Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Patrick Bearden Widgeon drake Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 2 Andy White Widgeon hen Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Andy Pope Wood Duck hen Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 2 Andy Pope Wood Duck drake Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 3 Gary Doviak Wood Duck drake Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 4 Robert Scarborough Wood Duck drake Species
E1 - Marsh Ducks Open 5 Marc Gottlieb Wood Duck drake Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Andy Hildreth Bufflehead hen Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Gary Doviak Canvasback drake Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 2 Andy Pope Canvasback drake Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 3 Bobby Hartsell Canvasback drake Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Bobby Hartsell Goldeneye drake Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Andy White Hooded Merganser drake Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 2 Justin Willis Hooded Merganser drake Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 3 Patrick Bearden Hooded Merganser hen Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 4 Justin Willis Hooded Merganser drake Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 5 Russell Fish Hooded Merganser drake Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Andy Pope Redhead drake Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 2 Patrick Bearden Redhead drake Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 3 Gary Doviak Redhead drake Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 4 Mike Hicks Redhead hen Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Russell Owen RingNeck drake Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 2 Steven Cogar RingNeck hen Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 3 Andy Hildreth RingNeck drake Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 4 Steven Cogar RingNeck drake Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Andy White Ruddy Duck drake Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 2 Andy White Ruddy Duck hen Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 3 Russell Fish Ruddy Duck drake Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Walter Gaskill Scaup drake Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 2 Patrick Bearden Scaup hen Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 3 Russell Owen Scaup drake Species
E2 - Diving Ducks Open 4 Gary Doviak Scaup drake Species
E3 - Geese & Confidence Open 1 Gary Doviak Brant Species
E3 - Geese & Confidence Open 2 Russell Fish Brant Species
E3 - Geese & Confidence Open 1 Jason Daniels Canada Geese Species
E3 - Geese & Confidence Open 1 Danny Lewis Coot Species
E3 - Geese & Confidence Open 1 Gary Doviak Miscellaneous snow goose Species
E3 - Geese & Confidence Open 1 Walter Gaskill Miscellaneous horned grebe Species
E3 - Geese & Confidence Open 2 Steven Cogar Miscellaneous pied billed grebe Species
E3 - Geese & Confidence Open 3 Gary Doviak Miscellaneous grebe Species
E4 - Sea Ducks Open 1 Walter Gaskill Miscellaneous harloquin drake Species
E4 - Sea Ducks Open 2 Andy White Miscellaneous harloquin drake Species
E4 - Sea Ducks Open 1 Andy Pope Scoter drake Species
E4 - Sea Ducks Open 2 Andy Pope Scoter hen Species
E4 - Sea Ducks Open 3 Bobby Hartsell Scoter drake Species
E4 - Sea Ducks Open 4 Jeff Gottorff Scoter drake Species
E4 - Sea Ducks Open 5 Gary Doviak Scoter drake Species

Division F - North Carolina Championship

SubDivision Class Place Carver Name Species Description Competition
  Open 1 Jack Cox   Division - Best In Show
  Open 2 Ben Heinemann   Division - Best In Show
  Open 3 Walter Gaskill   Division - Best In Show

Division G - Decorative Head Carving

SubDivision Class Place Carver Name Species Description Competition
  Open 1 Mark Strucko   Division - Best In Show
  Open 2 John Elliott   Division - Best In Show
  Open 3 Gary Doviak   Division - Best In Show

Division H - National Shorebirds

SubDivision Class Place Carver Name Species Description Competition
  Open 1 Walter Gaskill   stilt Division - Best In Show
  Open 2 Gary Bryan   plover Division - Best In Show
  Open 3 Ivie Elliott   avocet Division - Best In Show
H1 - Shorebirds1 Open 1 James Cashion   curlew Sub-Division
H2 - Shorebirds2 Open 1 Ivie Elliott   yellowlegs Sub-Division
H2 - Shorebirds2 Open 2 James Cashion   yellowlegs Sub-Division
H3 - Shorebirds3 Open 1 Gary Bryan   Plover Sub-Division
H3 - Shorebirds3 Open 2 James Cashion   Plover Sub-Division
H3 - Shorebirds3 Open 3 James Cashion   Plover Sub-Division
H4 - Shorebirds4 Open 1 Jerry Barkley   sandpiper Sub-Division
H4 - Shorebirds4 Open 2 James Cashion   sandpiper Sub-Division
H4 - Shorebirds4 Open 3 James Cashion   sandpiper Sub-Division
H5 - Shorebirds5 Open 1 Charles Holloman   ruddy turnstone Sub-Division
H5 - Shorebirds5 Open 2 James Cashion   red knot Sub-Division
H6 - Shorebirds6 Open 1 Walter Gaskill   blackneck stilt Sub-Division
H6 - Shorebirds6 Open 2 Ivie Elliott   avocet Sub-Division
H6 - Shorebirds6 Open 3 Cliff Cherry   blackneck stilt Sub-Division

Division I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning

SubDivision Class Place Carver Name Species Description Competition
  Open 1 Robin Oliver   pintail drake Division - Best In Show
  Open 2 Robin Oliver   bufflehead drake Division - Best In Show
  Open 3 Robin Oliver   brant Division - Best In Show
I1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Robin Oliver   pintail drake Sub-Division
I1 - Marsh Ducks Open 2 Daniel Nicholson   black duck Sub-Division
I1 - Marsh Ducks Open 3 Daniel Nicholson   cinnamon teal Sub-Division
I2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Robin Oliver   bufflehead drake Sub-Division
I2 - Diving Ducks Open 2 Robin Oliver   canvasback drake Sub-Division
I2 - Diving Ducks Open 3 Gary Doviak   bufflehead Sub-Division
I3 - Geese & Confidence Open 1 Robin Oliver   brant Sub-Division
I3 - Geese & Confidence Open 2 Daniel Nicholson   hornedgrebe drake Sub-Division
I3 - Geese & Confidence Open 3 Daniel Nicholson   snowgoose Sub-Division
I4 - Sea Ducks Open 1 Daniel Nicholson   scoter Sub-Division
I4 - Sea Ducks Open 2 Danny Lewis   scoter surf Sub-Division
I1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Daniel Nicholson Black Duck hen Species
I1 - Marsh Ducks Open 2 Charles Holloman Black Duck drake Species
I1 - Marsh Ducks Open 3 Robin Oliver Black Duck drake Species
I1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Daniel Nicholson CinamonTeal drake Species
I1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Steve Robertson GreenWing Teal drake Species
I1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Steve Robertson Mallard hen Species
I1 - Marsh Ducks Open 1 Robin Oliver Pintail drake Species
I2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Robin Oliver Canvasback canvasback drake Species
I2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Daniel Nicholson Goldeneye hen Species
I2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Danny Lewis Redhead drake Species
I2 - Diving Ducks Open 1 Daniel Nicholson Scaup hen Species
I3 - Geese & Confidence Open 1 Robin Oliver Brant Species
I3 - Geese & Confidence Open 1 Daniel Nicholson Grebes drake Species
I3 - Geese & Confidence Open 2 Daniel Nicholson Grebes hen Species
I3 - Geese & Confidence Open 1 Daniel Nicholson Miscellaneous snow goose Species
I4 - Sea Ducks Open 1 Daniel Nicholson Scoter scoter surf Species
I4 - Sea Ducks Open 2 Danny Lewis Scoter scoter Species

Division J - Pamlico River Gunning

SubDivision Class Place Carver Name Species Description Competition
  Open 1 Andy Pope   bufflehead Division - Best In Show
  Open 2 Gary Doviak   bufflehead Division - Best In Show
  Open 3 Greg Sorrell   oldsquaw Division - Best In Show

Division K - Tar River Annual Decoy Event

SubDivision Class Place Carver Name Species Description Competition
  Open 1 Gary Doviak   Division - Best In Show
  Open 2 Kelley Nelson   Division - Best In Show

Division L - Oneals Drug Store Division

SubDivision Class Place Carver Name Species Description Competition
  Open 1 Walter Gaskill   Division - Best In Show
  Open 2 Bob Nelson   Division - Best In Show
  Open 3 Patrick Bearden   Division - Best In Show
  Open 4 Ben Heinemann   Division - Best In Show
  Open 5 Robin Oliver   Division - Best In Show

Division M - Contemporary Antique Decoy

SubDivision Class Place Carver Name Species Description Competition
  Open 1 Pete Egan   goose Division - Best In Show
  Open 2 Steve Robertson   black duck Division - Best In Show
  Open 3 Ben Heinemann   ruddy duck Division - Best In Show

Division N - NC Songbirds

SubDivision Class Place Carver Name Species Description Competition
  Open 1 Al Jordan   black throated warbler Division - Best In Show
  Open 2 Karen Hess   black capped chickadee Division - Best In Show
  Open 3 Mary Byrd   cardinal Division - Best In Show