2011 Decorative Carver Of The Year Results
Congratulations to the 2011 Decorative Carver of the Year winners:
- Ervin Cruey of Cortland, Virginia - 362 Points
- Everett Rodriguez of Salinas, California - 189 points
- Bob Mathews of Fair Oaks, California - 137 points
Ervin Cruey, BOS Carolina Wren, 2011 Core Sound
Everett Rodriguez, Virgina Rail, 2011 Columbia Flyway
Bob Mathews, Kildeer, 2011 California Open
- John Wood of Claremont, North Carolina - 258 points
- Tom Oakes of Walnut Creek, California - 146 points
- Mel Gustafson of Tempe, Arizona - 119 points
For full results, check out the final 2011 Decorative Carver of the Year page
The two first place winners will receive a silver cup trophy to be presented at the East Carolina Show in Washington, North Carolina. The others are all from the West Coast and will be awarded a plaque at the California Open or if not attending, the plaque will be mailed.
Most of the carvers with the top scores entered a minimum of three shows. Entering multiple shows increases the chances of winning dramatically.
At the end of the year, if you have won two best of shows, you may be required to advance to the Intermediate level. Since the advancement rule changed in 2008, the best of show awards do not count toward advancement unless there were at least ten entries in the division. Please check the 2012 rules book for the rules regarding advancement.
For 2012, the board voted a change in point calculation designed to “level the playing field”.
- Best of Show 1st, 2nd, and 3rd (40, 35, 30)
- Category 1st, 2nd, and 3rd (20, 15, 10)
No points will be awarded for species since most shows do not judge decoratives in species.
This competition continues to be popular. We look forward to your participation in 2012. Check the standings on our website shortly after each show.