2012 Columbia Flyway Wildlife Show Report

2012 Columbia Flyway Wildlife Show Report by Donald Baiar

The 25th Silver anniversary Columbia Flyway Wildlife Show wowed the crowds viewing the carvings displayed in our largest show ever with 98 artists and significantly more carvings that ever before.   The City owned Water Resources Education Center, the picture perfect taylor made venue for our show, draws competitive carvers and awed guests from far and near to view the best display of exquisitely carved Birds, Mammals, Decoys and Fish in the Northwest. The Feather and Quill Carvers extend appreciation to the many out of town carvers and IWCA board members who held their annual meeting again at the Center on Thursday. Their help was crucial to the success of the CFWS.  The weather as usual was perfect for floating our large slate of IWCA  Style and Working Decoys in the beautiful entrance fountain pond on Saturday and the increasing popular contest on Sunday, the 6” Mini Canvasback floating decoy trade event where everyone gets to take home someone else’s bird.  The three judges took almost an hour to decide on the top 3 out of the 17 entries with Gary DeCew Ist, Don Baiar 2nd, and Jerry Harris 3rd.  BEST OF SHOW was deservedly awarded to Michael Buelna for a remarkable Bench carving of a Sea Turtle.  Michael also presented a Sunday Afternoon bonus workshop on creating faux marble in bases as seen on his BOS carving. Two other demonstrations were presented on Saturday and Sunday morning by Byrn Watson on making Canvas Decoys and by featured carver Anthony Donato on “Reference tools for Success.  



Special Awards were given by the Audubon team to Peter Kaune for a stunning Pyrrhuloxia.   Ducks Unlimited chose  Anthony Donato’s beautiful Widgeon drake and the Sportswriter’s Award was bagged by Michael Buelna’s  unique wall hanging Rooster fish.  Vancouver’s and Ridgefield’s Mayors’ Awards went to Brad Snodgrass’s ornate Baikal Teal and Novice carver Timeri Hansen’s Burrowing Owls.  Saturday’s People’s Choice Award was earned by Debbie Van Vliet for an entrancing Chickadee pair and Tom Newell picked up a trio of awards with Sunday People’s Choice the Chairman’s Award and the coveted Carver’s Choice Award for a wonderful frog stalking American Bittern



The weather was once again perfect and all had a great time at our sold out Banquet that beat all past banquets for elegance, quality, and service.   So put September 14 and 15, on your calendar for next year and plan to visit and compete  at the CFWS.  A Great time is guaranteed. Next year our two $1000 Purchase Awards species are the Cedar Waxwing and the Red Crossbill.  Our six inch Decoy trade species will be the Pintail hen.  For all rules, info and photos please visit our website:   columbiaflywaywildlifeshow.com