2022 IWCA Style Decoy Championship Results - August 27, 2022 - Oshkosh, WI

The 2022 IWCA Style decoy Championship was hosted by the Wisconsin Waterfowl Associations (WWA) Decoy Carving Contest on September 27th in conjunction with the Waterfowl Hunters Expo, a new venue for the WWA. (Photography by GRIT)

There were 22 entries in this year’s championship.

2022 IWCA Style Decoy Championship 1st Best of Show

Scaup Drake by

Jon Jones - Algonac, Michigan

2022 IWCA Style Decoy Championship 2nd Best of Show

Long-tailed Duck Drake by

Vincent Lori - Macomb, Michigan

2022 IWCA Style Decoy Championship 3rd Best of Show


Jon Jones - Algonac, Michigan

2022 IWCA Style Championship - Best of Category

Puddle Ducks

1st in Category - Jon Jones - Shovelor Drake

2nd in Category - Jon Jones - Teal Drake

3rd in Category - Vincent Lori - Teal Drake

Diver Ducks

1st in Category - Jon Jones - Scaup Drake

2nd in Category - Duane Jordan - Hooded Merganser Drake

3rd in Category - Duane Jordan - Ring-necked Duck Drake

Sea Ducks

1st in Category - Vincent Lori - Long-tailed Duck Drake

2nd in Category - Laurie J. McNeil - Spectacled Eider Drake

3rd in Category - Laurie J. McNeil - Spectacled Eider Hen


1st in Category - Jon Jones - Emperor Goose Drake

2022 IWCA Style Decoy Championship - Best in Species


1st in Species - Jon Jones - Pintail Drake


1st in Species - Jon Jones - Teal Drake

2nd in Species - Vincent Lori - Teal Drake

3rd in Species - Steven Secord - Teal Drake


1st in Species - Jon Jones - Shovelor Drake

2nd in Species - Vincent Lori - Shovelor Drake

3rd in Species - Duane Jordan - Shovelor Drake


1st in Species - Steven Secord - Canvasback Drake


1st in Species - Vincent Lori - Redhead Hen

2nd in Species - Duane Jordan - Redhead Drake


1st in Species - Jon Jones - Scaup Drake

Ringed-neck Duck

1st in Species - Duane Jordan - Ring-necked Duck Drake

2nd in Species - Jon Jones - Ring-necked Duck Hen


1st in Species - Jon Jones - Goldeneye Hen

2nd in Species - Vincent Lori - Goldeneye Drake

Hooded Merganser

1st in Species - Duane Jordan - Hooded Merganser Drake

Long-tailed Duck

1st in Species - Vincent Lori - Long-tailed Duck Drake

Spectacled Eider

1st in Species - Laurie J. McNeil - Spectacled Eider Drake

2nd in Species - Laurie J. McNeil - Spectacled Eider Hen

3rd in Species - Vincent Lori - Spectacled Eider Drake

Emperor Goose

1st in Species - Jon Jones - Emperor Goose Drake

Congratulations to all the winners!

Monty Willis