A Message from the President

Greeting to all IWCA Members,

It is hard to believe that a year has gone by since I became President of this great organization. We have made some real strides this year, improving communications with affiliate member clubs, along with experiencing better involvement. An encouraging sign.

There have been significant changes made in the IWCA Style Decoy rules, with the hope of attracting more competitors to this popular division.

In 2014 there will be renewed focus on stressing complete compliance to the IWCA rules as written, by the affiliate shows and those judging declared IWCA divisions and classes at their events. Adherence to the rules in the judging process will insure continuity in the results from one show to the next.

Remember, the IWCA is your organization and we need input from you as individual members and affiliate members to keep this organization vibrant. Let me hear from you if you have any new ideas. We are always in need of volunteers to help with the organizational duties of the IWCA. If you can help out, we’d like to hear from you!

I wish you all a happy and successful year and I look forward to hearing from you. 


Heck Rice - President