IWCA Secretary Position

Hello to All,

It is with deep regret that I accept the resignation of our Secretary Laurie McNeil. Laurie has been a hard worker, a loyal supporter of the IWCA, and a great help to me. The time has come that Laurie needs to spend more time focusing on career goals and family needs.

I wish Laurie the best in all she does, she has indicated to me she will still be available to help in the transition to a new Secretary. So, with this announcement we are in the position of finding someone to fill the position of Secretary for the IWCA.

If you are interested or know of someone who might be, please contact me. This is a very important job and we can not function without a Secretary. Let me hear from you.

I can be reached at 804-537-5033, and by e-mail:

Thank you,

Heck Rice President - IWCA