Tom and Darlene Westbrock Retire from IWCA Board of Directors

In 2006, Tom Westbrock was elected Treasurer of the IWCA and has served in the position for 11 years.

Tom's wife, Darlene has filled in for the Secretary for the IWCA, taking and publishing minutes from the annual board meetings when the secretary could not attend, and also served as Ballot Clerk during the 2008 election at the annual board meeting.

In 2012, Darlene graciously stepped up to take over the membership portion of the Secretary's job, knowing the burden it would have on the newly elected Secretary. Darlene has managed the memberships (individual and affiliate) for five years.

Tom and Darlene became lifetime members of the IWCA in 1990 as wildfowl carvers. Over the years, their wildfowl carvings have won numerous awards at the many IWCA Afffilate Shows and the Ward World Championship.

We at the IWCA will miss having Tom and Darlene on the IWCA Board of Directors, and we look forward to seeing them and their wildfowl carvings at the IWCA Affiliate Member Shows in the future. The IWCA is grateful for the many years these two wonderful people have dedicated as volunteers to the IWCA and we wish them well in their retirement!

Tom and Darlene Westbrock - IWCA Awards of Appreciation - Presented on behalf of the IWCA by Brad Snodgrass at the 2017 Columbia Flyway Wildlife Show in Vancounver, WA The IWCA is still looking to the positions of "Treasurer" and "Membership Chair". If you feel you could fill either position, or know of someone who can, please contact our President Monty Willis, and he can fill you in on the details!