2011 IWCA Membership Survey - Suggestions

Compiled by Byrn Watson

1. Have all shows use all IWCA Divisions/Categories
2. Have a handicapped level for challenged carvers
3. Promote more fish carving competitions
4. Bring the Michigan (North American) show back to Michigan
5. Expand the Web-site with tutorials and more pictures of carvings
6. More ribbons in novice events.   It creates enthusiasm
7. Help each show expand
8. After 3 or 4 wins carvers should bow out
9. More freedom on rules. Most birds are too much the same
10. A Chicago show would be great
11. Stay away from a Masters Class (too exclusive). Compete with the best
12. Judges should not judge their students work
13. Continue with the web-site and newsletter
14. Enforce the IWCA rules that already exist
15. Keep the rules simple and understandable so judges may use them wisely
16. There should be a rule that allows one person to carve and another to paint
17. A list of individuals willing to judge local shows would be helpful
18. Self-righting rule unnecessary for IWCA Style Birds
19. Self-righting, carved nostrils, raised wings rules should be eliminated.  No one can see them from a distance
20. Eliminate “home town” judging
21. Continue to provide uniform standards for all shows
22. Encourage new & existing carvers to enter shows by:
22 a. Providing opportunities to learn, free or low cost seminars, etc
22 b. Provide for all carvers work to be recognized (not just the big guns)
23. New point system for Novice and Int. Decoritive carver of the year. Song bird carvers at disadvantage
24. Better coverage to get news out about carving. More in perhaps unconventional publications
25. Comment section on web-site
26. For Carver of thee Year, limit award points to 3 pieces per carver per show
27. Less rules and support more classes
28. Open monthly question and answer section on website
29. Review rules for fish on base, resins, plastic and Plexiglas
30. Encourage more decorative carving divisions in shows
31. IWCA rules should accommodate regional styles
32. Open an expert level so less talented carvers complete against one another, not against the professionals
33. Show results should be posted on the Net. Competition Magazine only details with Best of Show in Open levels
34. IWCA should be using Facebook
35. Reach out to smaller clubs to help them
36. Use Apps for demos and carving instructions
37. IWCA & World rules should match up.   See about making this happen
38. Do not change the self-righting rule.  All decoy division to self right
39. Highlight that carvers must read rules and judging criteria
40. Get close working alliance with the Ward Foundation
41. Develop traveling show for Best of Show work
42. Find a place for Decoy Makers who don’t wish to compete
43. Promote with Decals & Patches
44. Acknowledge the collectors and sponsors that support the carvers
45. Keep politics out of decisions
46. Too wishy, washy. The rules are there. Stick to them or change
47. More use of web for communication
48. Keep improving the judging