2011 Membership Survey

Compiled by Byrn Watson

774 questionnaires to current members were mailed.  About 24 were returned as undeliverable for a variety of reasons.  So we used 750.  From the 750, we received 110 responses or 14%.  Apparently it is not an unusually low response.

47 responses were from Open carvers, 27 from Intermediate, 27 from Novice and 9 not identified.  
The responses broke down as follows:
1. 90% felt that with minor exceptions the IWCA rules are satisfactory for their needs.
2. 90% felt IWCA should continue with all the programs, if funding permits.
3. Very few suggested which programs to drop if funds not available.  A few said Canvas and a few said the Shorebird and a few said last one in should be the first one out.
4. 90% felt the web-site was important to maintain at some level.
5. 82% felt that the IWCA rules are not too restrictive.
6. 89% felt that IWCA has not outlived its usefulness.
7. 82% felt that IWCA was helpful to local shows and carvers.
8. Suggestions where not plentiful as to what form of Marketing best benefits shows and the carvers.  Those answering tended to say, Wildfowl Carving Magazine, Local advertising, T.V., direct mailing, the Internet and newspapers.
9. 90% had no interest in serving on an IWCA Committee or the Board.  We had twelve carvers that had some interest in serving but several did not sign the form so we are not sure who they were. We have two that expressed an interest in helping with or taking over the website.
10. We did have a number of suggestions on how IWCA can better serve its  members and carvers.
We are gratified that a number of carvers commented that they thought IWCA was doing a good job and gave thanks.  Only a very few (less than 5%) had any negative comments.
Now the challenge to the IWCA Board (specifically to your representative) is to review these findings and come up with better ways to serve the membership, both the shows and the carvers.