2012 East Carolina Results

2012 East Carolina Wildlife Arts Show

Washington, North Carolina - February 11 & 12, 2012


2012 East Carolina Wildfowl Arts Festival - Canvasbacks in the tank


Decorative Lifesize Floating

  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( P )      
  A1 - Marsh Ducks Division      
    1 Jim Carlisle (#10) capeteal drake
    2 Fred Miller (#124) wood duck hen
    3 Fred Miller (#124) pintail drake
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( P )      
  A1 - Marsh Ducks -GreenWing Teal      
    1 Ron Findley (#30)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( P )      
  A1 - Marsh Ducks -Miscellaneous      
    1 Jim Carlisle (#10)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( P )      
  A1 - Marsh Ducks -Pintail      
    1 Fred Miller (#124)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( P )      
  A1 - Marsh Ducks -Wood Duck      
    1 Fred Miller (#124)  
    2 Fred Miller (#124)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( P )      
  A2 - Diving Ducks Division      
    1 Jim Carlisle (#10) scaup
    2 Mark Strucko (#81) bufflehead drake
    3 David Van Lanen (#98) redhead hen
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( P )      
  A2 - Diving Ducks -Bufflehead      
    1 Mark Strucko (#81)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( P )      
  A2 - Diving Ducks -Oldsquaw      
    1 Fred Miller (#124)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( P )      
  A2 - Diving Ducks -Redhead      
    1 David Van Lanen (#98)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( P )      
  A2 - Diving Ducks -Ruddy Duck      
    1 Larry Appleton (#2)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( P )      
  A2 - Diving Ducks -Scaup      
    1 Jim Carlisle (#10)  
    2 Fred Miller (#124)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( P )      
  A3 - Geese & Confidence Division      
    1 Jim Carlisle (#10) pied bill grebe
    2 Mary Byrd (#9) grebe
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( P )      
  A3 - Geese & Confidence -Grebes      
    1 Jim Carlisle (#10)  
    2 Mary Byrd (#9)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( P )      
  Best In Show      
    1 Jim Carlisle (#10) cape teal
    2 Jim Carlisle (#10) scaup drake
    3 Mark Strucko (#81) bufflehead drake
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( I )      
  A1 - Marsh Ducks Division      
    1 Tom George (#127) Shoveler Hen
    2 John Nicholson (#110) Pintal hen
    3 Gerald Cramer (#109) Widgeon Hen
    4 John Wood (#94) Blue Wing Teal Hen
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( I )      
  A1 - Marsh Ducks -BlueWing Teal      
    1 John Wood (#94)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( I )      
  A1 - Marsh Ducks -Pintail      
    1 John Nicholson (#110)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( I )      
  A1 - Marsh Ducks -Shoveler      
    1 Tom George (#127)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( I )      
  A1 - Marsh Ducks -Widgeon      
    1 Gerald Cramer (#109)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( I )      
  A2 - Diving Ducks Division      
    1 Tom George (#127) Ruddy drake
    2 John Nicholson (#110) Redbreasted merganser
    3 Gerald Cramer (#109) Ring neck drake
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( I )      
  A2 - Diving Ducks -Oldsquaw      
    1 John Wood (#94)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( I )      
  A2 - Diving Ducks -Redbreasted Merganser      
    1 John Nicholson (#110)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( I )      
  A2 - Diving Ducks -RingNeck      
    1 Gerald Cramer (#109)  
    2 Gerald Cramer (#109)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( I )      
  A2 - Diving Ducks -Ruddy Duck      
    1 Tom George (#127)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( I )      
  A3 - Geese & Confidence Division      
    1 John Wood (#94) Pied billed grebe
    2 Bascom Miller (#59) Pied billed grebe
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( I )      
  A3 - Geese & Confidence -Grebes      
    1 John Wood (#94)  
    2 Bascom Miller (#59)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( I )      
  Best In Show      
    1 Tom George (#127) Ruddy duck drake
    2 Tom George (#127) Shoveler hen
    3 John Nicholson (#110) redbreasted merganser drake
    4 John Nicholson (#110) pintail hen
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( N )      
  A1 - Marsh Ducks Division      
    1 William Sulik (#120) Greenwing teal D
    1 William Sulik (#120) greenwing teal drake
    2 James Jr. Pittman (#118) Widgeon Drake
    2 James Jr. Pittman (#118) widgeon drake
    3 James Jr. Pittman (#118) Pintail drake
    3 James Jr. Pittman (#118) pintail drake
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( N )      
  A1 - Marsh Ducks -GreenWing Teal      
    1 William Sulik (#120)  
    1 William Sulik (#120)  
    2 James Jr. Pittman (#118)  
    2 James Jr. Pittman (#118)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( N )      
  A1 - Marsh Ducks -Pintail      
    1 James Jr. Pittman (#118)  
    1 James Jr. Pittman (#118)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( N )      
  A1 - Marsh Ducks -Widgeon      
    1 James Jr. Pittman (#118)  
    1 James Jr. Pittman (#118)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( N )      
  A1 - Marsh Ducks -Wood Duck      
    1 James Jr. Pittman (#118)  
    1 James Jr. Pittman (#118)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( N )      
  A2 - Diving Ducks Division      
    1 Todd Kretzschmar (#125) Bufflehead Drake
    1 Todd Kretzschmar (#125) Bufflehead Drake
    1 Todd Kretzschmar (#125) bufflehead drake
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( N )      
  A2 - Diving Ducks -Bufflehead      
    1 Todd Kretzschmar (#125)  
  A - Decorative Lifesize Floating ( N )      
  Best In Show      
    1 William Sulik (#120) Greenwing Teal Drake
    1 William Sulik (#120) greenwing teal drake
    2 Todd Kretzschmar (#125) Bufflehead Drake
    2 Todd Kretzschmar (#125) bufflehead drake
    3 James Jr. Pittman (#118) Widgeon Drake
    3 James Jr. Pittman (#118) widgeon drake
    4 James Jr. Pittman (#118) pintail drake

Decorative Lifesize NonFloating

  B - Decorative Lifesize NonFloating ( P )      
  Birds of Prey Division      
    1 Al Jordan (#47) snowy owl
    2 Al Jordan (#47) sawwhet owl
    3 Ron Findley (#30) sawwhet owl
  B - Decorative Lifesize NonFloating ( P )      
  Best In Show      
    1 Jack Cox (#21) wood duck pair
    2 Al Jordan (#47) snowy owl
    3 Al Jordan (#47) sawwhet owl
  B - Decorative Lifesize NonFloating ( P )      
  Gamebirds Division      
    1 Ivie Elliott (#28) dove
  B - Decorative Lifesize NonFloating ( P )      
  Shorebirds Division      
    1 Doug Strickland (#80) turnstone
  B - Decorative Lifesize NonFloating ( P )      
  Song Birds Division      
    1 Al Jordan (#47) kingfisher
    2 Fred Miller (#124) cardinal
    3 Fred Miller (#124) wren
  B - Decorative Lifesize NonFloating ( P )      
  Standard/Natural Division      
    1 Mary Byrd (#9)  
    2 Doug Strickland (#80)  
    3 Doug Strickland (#80)  
  B - Decorative Lifesize NonFloating ( P )      
  Waterfowl Division      
    1 Jack Cox (#21) wood duck pair
  B - Decorative Lifesize NonFloating ( I )      
  Best In Show      
    1 H Thomas Stalker (#78) killdeer
    2 H Thomas Stalker (#78) bluebird
    3 Walter Strange (#79) hummingbird
  B - Decorative Lifesize NonFloating ( I )      
  Gamebirds Division      
    1 Heck Rice (#67) turkey
  B - Decorative Lifesize NonFloating ( I )      
  Shorebirds Division      
    1 H Thomas Stalker (#78)  
    2 Paul Varga (#122)  
    3 Paul Varga (#122)  
  B - Decorative Lifesize NonFloating ( I )      
  Song Birds Division      
    1 H Thomas Stalker (#78) bluebird
    2 Walter Strange (#79) hummingbird
  B - Decorative Lifesize NonFloating ( N )      
  Birds of Prey Division      
    1 Steven Zamorski (#97) sawwhet owl
  B - Decorative Lifesize NonFloating ( N )      
  Best In Show      
    1 Mickie Bouzon (#111) puffin
    2 Steve Robertson (#71) quail
    3 Steve Robertson (#71) goldeneye
  B - Decorative Lifesize NonFloating ( N )      
  Gamebirds Division      
    1 Steve Robertson (#71) quail
  B - Decorative Lifesize NonFloating ( N )      
  Miscellaneous Division      
    1 James Cashion (#105)  
  B - Decorative Lifesize NonFloating ( N )      
  Shorebirds Division      
    1 James Cashion (#105) egret
    2 James Cashion (#105) black neck stilt
    3 James Cashion (#105)  
  B - Decorative Lifesize NonFloating ( N )      
  Song Birds Division      
    1 Steven Zamorski (#97) wren
    2 Keith D. Kelley (#101) wren
  B - Decorative Lifesize NonFloating ( N )      
  Standard/Natural Division      
    1 William Cochran (#16) pintail drake
  B - Decorative Lifesize NonFloating ( N )      
  Waterfowl Division      
    1 Mickie Bouzon (#111) puffin
    2 Steve Robertson (#71) goldeneye
    3 Josh Creel (#117) ruddy

Decorative Miniature

  C - Decorative Miniature ( P )      
  Birds of Prey Division      
    1 Jerry Barkley (#4) gray falcon
  C - Decorative Miniature ( P )      
  Best In Show      
    1 Walter Gaskill (#34) green heron
    2 Jerry Barkley (#4) killdeer
    3 Gary Doviak (#27) woodcock
  C - Decorative Miniature ( P )      
  Gamebirds Division      
    1 Gary Doviak (#27) woodcock
    2 Jim Carpenter (#11) turkey
  C - Decorative Miniature ( P )      
  Shorebirds Division      
    1 Walter Gaskill (#34) green heron
    2 Jerry Barkley (#4) killdeer
  C - Decorative Miniature ( P )      
  Standard/Natural Division      
    1 Doug Strickland (#80) smaller merganser
    2 Doug Strickland (#80) larger merganser
  C - Decorative Miniature ( N )      
  Birds of Prey Division      
    1 Gary Calabrese (#121) saw whet owl
    2 Steven Zamorski (#97) screech owl
  C - Decorative Miniature ( N )      
  Best In Show      
    1 Gary Calabrese (#121) nuthatch
    2 Gary Calabrese (#121) kingfisher
    3 Keith D. Kelley (#101) yellowleg
  C - Decorative Miniature ( N )      
  Shorebirds Division      
    1 Keith D. Kelley (#101) yellow legs
  C - Decorative Miniature ( N )      
  Song Birds Division      
    1 Gary Calabrese (#121) nuthatch
    2 Gary Calabrese (#121) king fisher
  C - Decorative Miniature ( N )      
  Waterfowl Division      
    1 Steve Robertson (#71) canada goose

Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style)

  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( P )      
  Best In Show      
    1 Walter Gaskill (#34) Old squaw hen
    2 Gary Bryan (#8) Grebe
    3 Walter Gaskill (#34) Old squaw drake
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( P )      
  D1 - Marsh Ducks -Black Duck      
    1 Ben Heinemann (#41)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( P )      
  D1 - Marsh Ducks Division      
    1 Bob Nelson (#100) greenwing teal drake
    2 Tom Rogers (#72) woodduck drake
    3 Ben Heinemann (#41) pintail hen
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( P )      
  D1 - Marsh Ducks -GreenWing Teal      
    1 Bob Nelson (#100)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( P )      
  D1 - Marsh Ducks -Pintail      
    1 Ben Heinemann (#41)  
    2 Robert C. King (#123)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( P )      
  D1 - Marsh Ducks -Shoveler      
    1 Doug Strickland (#80)  
    2 Fred Miller (#124)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( P )      
  D1 - Marsh Ducks -Wood Duck      
    1 Tom Rogers (#72)  
    2 Walter Gaskill (#34)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( P )      
  D2 - Diving Ducks Division      
    1 Walter Gaskill (#34) scaup
    2 Ben Heinemann (#41) scaup hen
    3 Tom Rogers (#72) hooded merganser drake
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( P )      
  D2 - Diving Ducks -Bufflehead      
    1 Ivie Elliott (#28)  
    2 Ivie Elliott (#28)  
    3 Jeff Gottoroff (#119)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( P )      
  D2 - Diving Ducks -Canvasback      
    1 Robert C. King (#123)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( P )      
  D2 - Diving Ducks -Hooded Merganser      
    1 Tom Rogers (#72)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( P )      
  D2 - Diving Ducks -Redhead      
    1 Ben Heinemann (#41)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( P )      
  D2 - Diving Ducks -RingNeck      
    1 Charles Holloman (#46)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( P )      
  D2 - Diving Ducks -Scaup      
    1 Walter Gaskill (#34)  
    2 Ben Heinemann (#41)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( P )      
  D3 - Geese & Confidence Division      
    1 Gary Bryan (#8) grebe
    2 Walter Gaskill (#34) coot
    3 Ivie Elliott (#28) purple galanule
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( P )      
  D3 - Geese & Confidence -Coot      
    1 Walter Gaskill (#34)  
    2 Ivie Elliott (#28)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( P )      
  D3 - Geese & Confidence -Miscellaneous      
    1 Ivie Elliott (#28)  
    1 Gary Bryan (#8)  
    1 Ivie Elliott (#28)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( P )      
  D4 - Sea Ducks Division      
    1 Walter Gaskill (#34) Old Squaw Hen
    2 Walter Gaskill (#34) Old squaw drake
    3 Walter Gaskill (#34) Stellar eider
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( P )      
  D4 - Sea Ducks -Eider      
    1 Walter Gaskill (#34)  
    2 Ben Heinemann (#41)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( P )      
  D4 - Sea Ducks -OldSquaw      
    1 Walter Gaskill (#34)  
    1 Walter Gaskill (#34)  
    2 Walter Gaskill (#34)  

D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( Intermediate/Novice )

  Best In Show      
    1 Brandon Hatcher (#129) teal
    2 Spencer Tinkham (#112) ruddy duck drake
    3 Spencer Tinkham (#112) canvasbackhen
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( Intermediate/Novice )      
  D1 - Marsh Ducks Division      
    1 Brandon Hatcher (#129) greenwing teal drake
    2 Spencer Tinkham (#112) woodduck drake
    3 Spencer Tinkham (#112) mallard drake
    4 Steve Robertson (#71) mallard hen
    5 Brandon Hatcher (#129) woodduck drake
    6 Cliff Cherry (#12) greenwing teal drake
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( Intermediate/Novice )      
  D1 - Marsh Ducks -BlueWing Teal      
    1 James Cashion (#105)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( Intermediate/Novice )      
  D1 - Marsh Ducks -CinamonTeal      
    1 Bascom Miller (#59)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( Intermediate/Novice )      
  D1 - Marsh Ducks -Gadwall      
    1 Steve Robertson (#71)  
    2 Steve Robertson (#71)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( Intermediate/Novice )      
  D1 - Marsh Ducks -GreenWing Teal      
    1 Brandon Hatcher (#129)  
    2 Cliff Cherry (#12)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( Intermediate/Novice )      
  D1 - Marsh Ducks -Mallard      
    1 Spencer Tinkham (#112)  
    2 Steve Robertson (#71)  
    3 Robert Anderson (#107)  
    4 Robert Anderson (#107)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( Intermediate/Novice )      
  D1 - Marsh Ducks -Widgeon      
    1 James Cashion (#105)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( Intermediate/Novice )      
  D1 - Marsh Ducks -Wood Duck      
    1 Spencer Tinkham (#112)  
    2 Brandon Hatcher (#129)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( Intermediate/Novice )      
  D2 - Diving Ducks Division      
    1 Spencer Tinkham (#112) ruddy hen
    2 Spencer Tinkham (#112) canvasback hen
    3 James Jr. Pittman (#118) redhead drake
    4 Cliff Cherry (#12) scaup drake
    5 Spencer Tinkham (#112) canvasback drake
    6 Steve Robertson (#71) hooded merganser drake
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( Intermediate/Novice )      
  D2 - Diving Ducks -Canvasback      
    1 Spencer Tinkham (#112)  
    2 Spencer Tinkham (#112)  
    3 Robert Anderson (#107)  
    4 Robert Anderson (#107)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( Intermediate/Novice )      
  D2 - Diving Ducks -Hooded Merganser      
    1 Steve Robertson (#71)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( Intermediate/Novice )      
  D2 - Diving Ducks -Redhead      
    1 James Jr. Pittman (#118)  
    2 Michael E. Adcock (#103)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( Intermediate/Novice )      
  D2 - Diving Ducks -Ruddy Duck      
    1 Spencer Tinkham (#112)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( Intermediate/Novice )      
  D2 - Diving Ducks -Scaup      
    1 Cliff Cherry (#12)  
    2 James Cashion (#105)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( Intermediate/Novice )      
  D4 - Sea Ducks Division      
    1 Spencer Tinkham (#112) oldsquaw drake
    2 Michael E. Adcock (#103) redbreasted merganser drake
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( Intermediate/Novice )      
  D4 - Sea Ducks -OldSquaw      
    1 Spencer Tinkham (#112)  
  D - Pamlico Gunning Decoy (Style) ( Intermediate/Novice )      
  D4 - Sea Ducks -Redbreasted Merganser      
    1 Michael E. Adcock (#103)  

E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )

  Best In Show      
    1 Walter Gaskill (#34) oldsquaw hen
    2 Walter Gaskill (#34) bufflehead drake
    3 Gary Doviak (#27) goldeneye drake
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E1 - Marsh Ducks -Black Duck      
    1 Gary Doviak (#27)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E1 - Marsh Ducks Division      
    1 Gary Doviak (#27) greenwingteal hen
    2 Andy Pope (#65) bluewingteal hen
    3 Gary Doviak (#27) woodduck drake
    4 Andy Pope (#65) mallard drake
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E1 - Marsh Ducks -BlueWing Teal      
    1 Andy Pope (#65)  
    2 Matt Defore (#25)  
    3 Russell Owen (#61)  
    4 Matt Defore (#25)  
    5 Robbie Robertson (#70)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E1 - Marsh Ducks -Cinammon Teal      
    1 Robbie Robertson (#70)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E1 - Marsh Ducks -Gadwall      
    1 Matt Defore (#25)  
    2 Robbie Robertson (#70)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E1 - Marsh Ducks -GreenWing Teal      
    1 Gary Doviak (#27)  
    2 Robbie Robertson (#70)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E1 - Marsh Ducks -Mallard      
    1 Andy Pope (#65)  
    2 Russell Owen (#61)  
    3 Robbie Robertson (#70)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E1 - Marsh Ducks -Miscellaneous      
    1 Russell Owen (#61)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E1 - Marsh Ducks -Shoveler      
    1 Robbie Robertson (#70)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E1 - Marsh Ducks -Widgeon      
    1 Robbie Robertson (#70)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E1 - Marsh Ducks -Wood Duck      
    1 Gary Doviak (#27)  
    2 Stewart Barnette (#113)  
    3 Charles Holloman (#46)  
    4 Gary Doviak (#27)  
    5 Andy Pope (#65)  
    6 Robbie Robertson (#70)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E2 - Diving Ducks Division      
    1 Walter Gaskill (#34) bufflehead drake
    2 Gary Doviak (#27) goldeneye drake
    3 Luke Costilow (#19) redhead drake
    4 Stewart Barnette (#113) bufflehead hen
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E2 - Diving Ducks -Bufflehead      
    1 Walter Gaskill (#34)  
    2 Stewart Barnette (#113)  
    3 Russell Owen (#61)  
    4 Russell Owen (#61)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E2 - Diving Ducks -Canvasback      
    1 Luke Costilow (#19)  
    2 Stewart Barnette (#113)  
    3 Kim Tavasso (#126)  
    4 Ron Saylor (#102)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E2 - Diving Ducks -Goldeneye      
    1 Gary Doviak (#27)  
    2 Russell Owen (#61)  
    3 Robbie Robertson (#70)  
    4 Russell Owen (#61)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E2 - Diving Ducks -Hooded Merganser      
    1 Stewart Barnette (#113)  
    2 Matt Defore (#25)  
    3 Charles Holloman (#46)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E2 - Diving Ducks -Red Head      
    1 Luke Costilow (#19)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E2 - Diving Ducks -RingNeck      
    1 Charles Holloman (#46)  
    2 Andy Pope (#65)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E2 - Diving Ducks -Scaup      
    1 Gary Doviak (#27)  
    2 Luke Costilow (#19)  
    3 Gary Bryan (#8)  
    4 Robbie Robertson (#70)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E3 - Geese & Confidence Division      
    1 Gary Doviak (#27) canada goose
    2 Gary Doviak (#27) brant
    3 Gary Doviak (#27) snowgoose
    4 Robbie Robertson (#70) brant
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E3 - Geese & Confidence -Brant      
    1 Gary Doviak (#27)  
    2 Robbie Robertson (#70)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E3 - Geese & Confidence -Canada Geese      
    1 Gary Doviak (#27)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E3 - Geese & Confidence -Coot      
    1 Robbie Robertson (#70)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E3 - Geese & Confidence -Miscellaneous      
    1 Gary Doviak (#27)  
    1 Robbie Robertson (#70)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E4 - Sea Ducks Division      
    1 Walter Gaskill (#34) oldsquaw hen
    2 Gary Doviak (#27) eider drake
    3 Andy Pope (#65) merganser
    4 Andy Pope (#65) scoter drake
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E4 - Sea Ducks -Common Merganser      
    1 Andy Pope (#65)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E4 - Sea Ducks -Eider      
    1 Gary Doviak (#27)  
    2 Al Woznicki (#116)  
    3 Wiiliam Bruce (#7)  
    4 Russell Owen (#61)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E4 - Sea Ducks -OldSquaw      
    1 Walter Gaskill (#34)  
    2 Stewart Barnette (#113)  
    3 Andy Pope (#65)  
    4 Andy Pope (#65)  
    5 Russell Owen (#61)  
  E - Traditional Gunning Decoys ( P )      
  E4 - Sea Ducks -Scoter      
    1 Andy Pope (#65)  
    2 Russell Owen (#61)  
    3 Russell Owen (#61)  

F - North Carolina Championship ( P )

  Best In Show      
    1 Walter Gaskill (#34)  
    2 David Van Lanen (#98)  
    3 Tom Rogers (#72)  

G - Decorative Head Carving ( P )

  Best In Show      
    1 Mark Strucko (#81)  
    2 Gary Doviak (#27)  
    3 Alan Massengill (#106)  
    4 Mary Byrd (#9)  
    5 Jerry Barkley (#4)  

H - National Shorebirds ( P )

  Best In Show      
    1 Robert C. King (#123)  
    2 Gary Bryan (#8)  
    3 Al Jordan (#47)  
  H - National Shorebirds ( P )      
  H2 - Shorebirds2 Division      
    1 Ivie Elliott (#28) yellowlegs
    2 Ben Heinemann (#41) yellowlegs
  H - National Shorebirds ( P )      
  H3 - Shorebirds3 Division      
    1 Gary Bryan (#8) eurasian plover
    2 Ivie Elliott (#28) golden plover
  H - National Shorebirds ( P )      
  H4 - Shorebirds4 Division      
    1 Robert C. King (#123) sandpipers
  H - National Shorebirds ( P )      
  H5 - Shorebirds5 Division      
    1 Al Jordan (#47) ruddy turnstone
  H - National Shorebirds ( P )      
  H6 - Shorebirds6 Division      
    1 Al Jordan (#47) stilt
    2 Robert C. King (#123) avocet
    3 Al Jordan (#47)  
  H - National Shorebirds ( P )      
  H7 - Shorebirds7 Division      
    1 Jerry Barkley (#4) killdeer
    2 Charles Holloman (#46) sanderling

I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )

  Best In Show      
    1 Walter Gaskill (#34) black duck
    2 Wiiliam Bruce (#7) swan
    3 Daniel Nicholson (#114) horned grebe drake
  I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )      
  I1 - Marsh Ducks -Black Duck      
    1 Walter Gaskill (#34)  
    2 Joe Crutchfield (#24)  
  I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )      
  I1 - Marsh Ducks Division      
    1 Walter Gaskill (#34) blackduck hen
    2 Wiiliam Bruce (#7) gadwall drake
    3 Larry Appleton (#2) greenwing teal hen
  I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )      
  I1 - Marsh Ducks -Gadwall      
    1 Wiiliam Bruce (#7)  
  I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )      
  I1 - Marsh Ducks -GreenWing Teal      
    1 Larry Appleton (#2)  
    2 Larry Appleton (#2)  
  I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )      
  I1 - Marsh Ducks -Pintail      
    1 Heck Rice (#67)  
  I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )      
  I1 - Marsh Ducks -Shoveler      
    1 Daniel Nicholson (#114)  
  I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )      
  I2 - Diving Ducks Division      
    1 Daniel Nicholson (#114) goldeneye drake
    2 Daniel Nicholson (#114) bufflehead drake
    3 Daniel Nicholson (#114) goldeneye drake
  I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )      
  I2 - Diving Ducks -Bufflehead      
    1 Daniel Nicholson (#114)  
    2 Wiiliam Bruce (#7)  
  I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )      
  I2 - Diving Ducks -Canvasback      
    1 Gary Doviak (#27)  
    2 Daniel Nicholson (#114)  
  I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )      
  I2 - Diving Ducks -Goldeneye      
    1 Daniel Nicholson (#114)  
    2 Daniel Nicholson (#114)  
    3 Heck Rice (#67)  
  I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )      
  I2 - Diving Ducks -Hooded Merganser      
    1 Heck Rice (#67)  
    2 Heck Rice (#67)  
  I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )      
  I2 - Diving Ducks -Ruddy Duck      
    1 Daniel Nicholson (#114)  
  I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )      
  I2 - Diving Ducks -Scaup      
    1 Stephen Koch (#49)  
  I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )      
  I3 - Geese & Confidence Division      
    1 Wiiliam Bruce (#7) swan
    2 Daniel Nicholson (#114) horned grebe drake
    3 Heck Rice (#67) brant
  I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )      
  I3 - Geese & Confidence -Brant      
    1 Heck Rice (#67)  
  I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )      
  I3 - Geese & Confidence -Canada Geese      
    1 Heck Rice (#67)  
    2 Cliff Cherry (#12)  
  I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )      
  I3 - Geese & Confidence -Coot      
    1 Heck Rice (#67)  
  I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )      
  I3 - Geese & Confidence -Miscellaneous      
    1 Steve Robertson (#71)  
    1 Daniel Nicholson (#114)  
    2 Larry Appleton (#2)  
  I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )      
  I3 - Geese & Confidence -Swan      
    1 Wiiliam Bruce (#7)  
  I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )      
  I4 - Sea Ducks Division      
    1 Charles Robinson (#108) redbreasted merganser drake
    2 Heck Rice (#67) scoter
    3 Heck Rice (#67) pintail
  I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )      
  I4 - Sea Ducks -OldSquaw      
    1 Heck Rice (#67)  
    2 Wiiliam Bruce (#7)  
  I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )      
  I4 - Sea Ducks -Redbreasted Merganser      
    1 Charles Robinson (#108)  
  I - Tri-County Telephone Canvas Gunning ( P )      
  I4 - Sea Ducks -Scoter      
    1 Heck Rice (#67)  

J - Pamlico River Gunning ( P )

  Best In Show      
    1 Andy Pope (#65) ringneck
    2 Gary Doviak (#27) oldsquaws
    3 Gary Doviak (#27) hooded merganser

K - Tar River Annual Decoy Event ( P )

  Best In Show      
    1 Kelley Nelson (#60)  
    2 Gary Doviak (#27)  
    3 Alan Massengill (#106)  

L - Oneals Drug Store Division ( P )

  Best In Show      
    1 Patrick Eubanks (#115)  
    2 Walter Gaskill (#34)  
    3 Ben Heinemann (#41)  
    4 Tom Rogers (#72)  
    5 Walter Gaskill (#34)  

M - Contemporary Antique Decoy ( P )

  Best In Show      
    1 Ben Heinemann (#41) redbreasted merganser
    2 Jerry Barkley (#4) shore bird
    3 Mark Finisecy (#31) goldeneye